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St Colmcille's Nursery School, Downpatrick Co. Down

Safeguarding Information for Parents

Important Information for Parents

Designated Teacher for Child Protection: Mrs Gormley

Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection: Mrs Mc Laughlin

Child Protection Member of the Board of Governors: Dr Jane Creaney

*Relevant policies are found on the Policy section of the website

Parents are always welcome to visit the Nursery School to discuss their child’s progress. A meeting can be arranged after the children leave at 1.30 pm. An informal chat can be carried out either when you leave your child to school or at home time. In an emergency parents can ring the school and a message will be passed on to their child’s teacher

Safeguarding and Child Protection are of utmost importance for the staff of this school. Parents are given a school information handbook at a meeting before their child starts school in September. All parents are given a copy of the school’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy on the child’s first day. Information regarding Child Protection is also displayed on the Parents Notice Board in the Entrance Hall and on our website.

The school has a CCTV system and a Buzzer Entrance system in operation to help ensure the safety of your child. Parents must record on their Child’s Confidential Information form who is allowed to collect their child from school and must notify the child’s teacher if there is to be a change in this.