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St Colmcille's Nursery School, Downpatrick Co. Down


2022/2023 School Year

15th Mar 2023
We were very lucky to receive a visit this afternoon from Pat, who works for NI...
15th Mar 2023
To celebrate St Patrick's Day, we had a Green Day in school today. All the staff...
14th Mar 2023
ParentlineNI are running a workshop next week.  ‘ Parenting Patterns...
13th Mar 2023
As part of our, "Getting Ready to Learn" initiative, we were given funding to provide...
9th Mar 2023
Are you a parent or carer who has concerns about your child displaying signs of...
8th Mar 2023
What a snowy, icy week we have had! We wrapped up warm, and had great fun playing...
27th Feb 2023
We were delighted to see our friend, Alan from "Wee Critters" today! He gave us...
21st Feb 2023
Today was Shrove Tuesday.... Pancake Day! We sat and watched as Mrs Gormley carefully...
21st Feb 2023
What an exciting Tuesday morning! We received a special visit from Mr Hullabaloo...
10th Feb 2023
For the month of February, each child has been given a jungle-themed learning pack...